Monday, November 9, 2009

Tamanu oil in injuries

This is the hand of a 70 year old male who figured in a vehicular accident resulting into partial avulsion of the skin of the dorsum of the hand... Day1


Day20- avulsed skin has sloughed off exposing tendons




Day 37

Day 67

Day 70

Day 72

Day 80- Note: yellow-green sheen on the skin is from the sprayed tamanu oil.

Day 81


85th Day

92nd Day.... Wound fully healed....last day when I saw patient for checkup... Hope patient comes back.

This is a continuation of a case series of my patients treated with Tamanu oil. This 4th series is a 70 year old male who figured in a vehicular accident with partial avulsion of the skin of the dorsum of the hand. Wound completely healed on the 92nd day. See pictures.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tamanu oil in burns

see my first youTube ........

Tried uploading my video but it looks like a wait forever!!!!!!!!

my video on burnRx with Tamanu oil

see my trial YouTube on burns treated with Tamanu oil..... can't attach my video... will try again sometime... no video icon in the tool bar.... where is it?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What they say about tamanu oil


Be among the first to enjoy the benefits of Tamanu oil – a Polynesian beauty secret known for promoting healthy looking and lustrous skin. This oil give the skin a soothing effect and helps keep the skin smooth and plump. It can be used all over the body and face and helps improve the appearance of nails/cuticles/hair/body/face and feet.

35 years ago, Lauren sailed into Bora Bora after diving the South Pacific. Her skin was a mess – coral scratched, dry and scaly from too much sun. that night a local gave Lauren her “healing oil” to try. Next morning every blemish was gone – vanished! Her scaly-burnt skin was smooth and plump again. She had been looking for it ever since and finally found it – Tamanu Oil!

Elizabeth Arden Tamanu Hydrating Sugar Scrub – a gentle exfoliator and skin softener for feet and legs formulated with Tamanu oil. Tamanu oil has been used for centuries for its remarkable skin care benefits, including sealing in essential moisture, calming troubled skin and minimizing the visible sign of aging.

The oil of Tamanu offers relief for common skin problems and has demonstrated significant benefit in hospital setting as a first aid treatment in cases of serious burns.

Amazing Tamanu Oil is a traditional organic skin care remedy unsurpassed by an fancy, modern-day cream and lotions and ITS ALL NATURAL! (Houston, Texas 4/06/2008 05:27PM GMT)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Malibago trees.....

looks like the malibago trees at the beach will be occupying a center stage in the next few weeks/months. Watch for my picture blogs on malibago..... coming soon

Burn patient( 3rd series)

4/08/09... 2nd degree burns initially treated with toothpaste
4/13/09 ... 5th day of treatment with tamuvera balm ( tam oil with aloe vera )

4/15/09 ( 7th day) tamuvera applied to burn wound

same patient applied with tamuvera- 4/15/09

Second degree burns ( partial thickness burns) treated with tamuvera ( tam oil with aloe vera gel) balm (4/28/09)..... 20 days post -burns

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Diabetic foot infection treated with Tam oil

Patient D- 09/07/09 ( 8th day)
Patient D- 8/31/09

Patient D- 8/28/09

Patient D- 8/26/09

Patient D... Diabetic foot infection-8/25/09

See my second series of pictures treated with Tam Oil

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

TAM OIL by Exquissentials....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

my tam oil

Prototype of tamanu oil we are producing.... and selling.... roll-on type
3 days after treatment with topical tamanu oil
Patient with impetigo before treatment with topical tamanu oil

pictures of some of my patients treated with tamnu oil topically

3 days after treatment with topical tamanu oil

Child with skin lesion ( impetigo )on the neck before treatment with tamanu oil

tamanu oil

have finished my study on the anti-microbial properties of tamanu oil